Scriptural Foundation: the basis of our values
"'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…Love your neighbor as yourself.'" (Matthew 22:37, NIV)
Modus Operandi: How we enact our scripture-driven values and objectives
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart…Love your neighbor as yourself":
- As a community of citizens, we facilitate students' participation in a variety of extra-curricular, intramural, and service activities designed to develop them as well-rounded citizens of our world.
Related school-wide values
- Provide a healthy variety of positive cultural experiences for all students.
- Provide a strong variety of extracurricular options for all students.
- Promote high standards in all school activities so that students learn to strive towards a commitment to excellence in attitude and purpose.
- Offer fun, wholesome activities for kids to participate in to establish meaningful options for lifestyle choices.
- Make all of our students' BCA experiences relevant to and challenging within their world.
"Love the Lord your God with all your soul…":
- As a community of believers, we create a spiritually nurturing environment for students and call them to explore and to deepen their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Related school-wide values
- Purpose to affect this generation for Christ.
- Provide a forum for genuine questioning to promote personal spiritual growth.
- Provide opportunities for meaningful spiritual experiences.
- Challenge students to positive introspection.
- Help kids to understand the heart of making God-honouring decisions so that they can explore the difference between Christian culture and secularism.
- Teach kids to develop critical and creative thinking skills with regard to their decision-making processes.
- Ensure that our priorities will be founded upon Scriptural values and not on cultural values. Inspire kids to build a deeper personal relationship with Christ by modeling an authentic, vibrant Christian walk by loving Jesus in our own lives. Provide a place of progression, redemption, and restoration.
- Provide a nurturing and personalized support system to promote kids' emotional and spiritual well-being.
"Love the Lord your God with all your mind…":
- As a community of learners, we challenge all students to develop an attitude of excellence towards their studies in order to prepare them to be lifelong learners in their sphere of influence.
Related school-wide values
- Promote a culture of high standards--a commitment to excellence of attitude and purpose.
- Provide a strong variety of academic options for all students.
- Teach kids to develop critical and creative thinking skills with regard to their decision-making processes.
- Provide a forum for genuine questioning to promote personal growth.
- Challenge students to positive introspection.
- Maintain a strong classroom ethic of positive management.
- Ensure high standards of class attendance, punctuality, and participation.
- Foster an environment of progression, redemption, and restoration.