
The BCA term system is slightly different than most high schools: rather than having two semesters, we have three terms. Check out our calendar for a brief overview of our school year and to find out about upcoming events. You can also view this year’s class schedule, as well as schedules for special events. Please contact us if you have any questions!

Class Schedules/Timetable

Typically, BCA students register for four classes from September to December, four classes from January to April, and take another two classes in May and June. Third semester is scheduled to provide space for art courses as well as several particularly challenging subjects which demand more time for careful study.

Calendars, Schedules, and Course Timetables

  1. School Year Calendar (Dates for all events)
  2. Class Timetable (Classes, periods & times)
  3. Alternate School Day & Special Event Schedules:
    BCA Orientation Day Rotation Schedule
    BCA Orientation Day Information & Session Descriptions
  4. Term 3 Flex Time Schedule (Chapels, Assemblies, Grad Rehearsals, Course Planning Workshops, SLC Meetings, and Teacher Tutorials)