State of the Academy 2023
President Michael Pawelke takes us on a journey that begins in the book of Acts with the outstanding growth of the early Church to the challenges that the Church faces today with a rapidly changing society—challenges not unlike those found all through Christian history.
Michael encouraged us to ask two questions:
1. What should we anticipate in a rapidly changing culture?
(Or in other words, "What can we expect by refusing to conform to the world?")
2. What will be my line in the sand?
(Or in other words, "What are the things that I will not compromise on no matter the cost?")
This call to courage is also intended to bring us together in God's mission, which unifies us as a Church and a body of believers gathering in this institution. We are invited to recognize our unity in our belief in a loving, provident God and to stand on the side of boldness, courage, and dedication as we proclaim His message of hope.
As we begin 2023, let's remember to be a Holy Spirit empowered institution!